Серия 3300

  • Серия 3300
выбиратьРасследованиеНомер подшипника.Граничные размеры (мм) Базовая нагрузка (кН)Предельная скорость (об/мин)Масса
дДБрупий минДинамический(Cr)Статический (Кор)СмазкаМасло(Кг)
3302 15 42 19 1 14.2 11.8 9900 13000 0.127
3303 17 47 22.2 1 17.5 15 9000 12000 0.185
3304 20 52 22.2 1.1 21.1 18.6 8000 11000 0.221
3305 25 62 25.4 1.1 29.4 26.8 6700 8900 0.354
3306 30 72 30.2 1.1 39 36.5 5700 7600 0.558
3307 35 80 34.9 1.5 49.5 47.5 5000 6600 0.756
3308 40 90 36.5 1.5 54.5 57.5 4400 5900 1.03
3309 45 100 39.7 1.5 67.5 72.5 4000 5300 1.37
3310 50 110 44.4 2 81.5 89.5 3600 4800 1.98
3311 55 120 49.2 2 96.5 108 3300 4400 2.42
3312 60 130 54 2.1 113 128 3000 4000 3.07
3313 65 140 58.7 2.1 131 150 2800 3700 3.9
3314 70 150 63.5 2.1 153 168 2600 3500 5.2
3315 75 160 68.3 2.1 172 191 2400 3200 6.3

Основные требования к конструкции высокоскоростных радиально-упорных шарикоподшипников

Радиально-упорные шарикоподшипники можно разделить на три категории в зависимости от применения:

1. Целью проектирования является максимальная динамическая нагрузка.

2. Целью разработки является сверхвысокая скорость.

3. Целью проектирования является высокая скорость и динамическая нагрузка.

When maximum dynamic load rating is the goal: Rolling element diameter Dw = (D-d)/2 x 0.618

When ultra-high speed is the goal: Rolling element diameter Dw = (D-d)/2 x 0.384≈0.4

When both high speed and load capacity are considered: Rolling element diameter Dw = (D-d)/2 x 0.5

The cage retaining rib coefficient is selected from Table 2.

Phenolic laminated fabric cages are very important for high-speed bearings. There are three cage guiding methods - inner land riding, outer land riding, and roller riding. Inner land riding has smaller moment of inertia and saves material but allows fewer rolling elements compared to outer land riding. Outer land riding has higher moment of inertia and can accommodate more rolling elements than inner riding. Roller riding generates less heat and noise at the same speed compared to inner and outer riding, but the structure is complex and difficult to manufacture, only suitable for molded plastic cages. For high-speed bearings, the cage radial wall thickness and width should be minimized, as long as strength permits. This not only reduces moments of inertia, but more importantly benefits heat dissipation and lubrication.

In summary, cage design is critical for high-speed angular contact ball bearings. Structural optimization helps meet strength, guidance, and inertia requirements while enabling heat dissipation, lubrication, and high-speed operation.

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